Picked Sound: Keinemusik Radio Show by Wolfram 08.11.2019

Beginning his musical references around the late seventies, @wolfram combines heavy doses of disco, dollops of funk and a dash of new wave and synth-pop, It’s no surprise that one of the best outlets in Munich, Public Possession, released his recent album ‚Amadeus‘ in September (respectively DFA in the US). Pleasure to have him as guest with an exclusive mix on KM radio. This is endlessly rhythmic music.

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Picked Sound: David Rausch – Sit & Think (Landhouse Remix)

(German Version below)

Street kids all over the world have to suffer from hunger, fear and physical abuse. Even in a welfare state like Germany there are 2.500 children each year end up living on the streets where they have to expect neglect, beggary, prostitution, drug abuse and a criminal future. The reason why the run away are different but mostly they flee from domestic violence and a loveless social environment.

To make a better future for the children possible David Rausch decided to donate the profits of his „Liebe EP“ to the Organisation „Off Road Kids“.
At the age of 15 he had to experience how it feels to be left to his own. „The issues of this EP have much to do with the self-worth of a human. That’s exactly what breaks down in these kids.“ So David.
With „Liebe“ we present to you a special work where David processes this time and moreover unified his talent as a producer, guitarist, songwriter and singer. The 8-track EP contains features and remixes by Landhouse, Katabtu and Mangiac.
David deeply touched us with the positive energy that he sourced of his negative experiences. He showed us again that you should never give up yourself. What unites us is the believe in the power of love.

Thanks David.

Straßenkinder auf der Ganzen Welt müssen Hunger, Angst und Misshandlung erleiden. Sogar in einem Sozialstaat wie Deutschland landen ca. 2.500 Kinder jährlich auf der Straße, wo ihnen Verwahrlosung, Bettlerei, Prostitution, Drogenmissbrauch und eine kriminelle Zukunft drohen. Die Kinder – welche in allen Gesellschaftsschichten anzutreffen sind – reißen aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen von zu Hause aus, doch meist stecken Misshandlung in der Familie und ein liebloses soziales Umfeld dahinter.

Um diesen Kindern eine bessere Zukunft zu ermöglichen hat sich David Rausch entschieden den Gewinn aus seiner „Liebe EP“ an die „Off Road Kids Stiftung“ zu spenden.
Er selbst war in genau dieser Situation und musste ab seinem 15. Lebensjahr erfahren wie es sich anfühlt auf sich allein gestellt zu sein. „Die Themen dieser EP haben viel mit dem Selbstwert eines Menschen zu tun. Das ist genau das was bei diesen Kindern zerbricht.“ so David.
Mit „Liebe“ präsentieren wir euch ein besonderes Werk, indem David diese Zeit verarbeitet und zudem sein Talent als Produzent, Gitarrist, Songwriter und Sänger vereint. Die starke 8-Track EP wird dabei durch Features und Remixe von Landhouse, Katabtu und Mangiac unterstützt.
Taucht ein in Davids Welt, bestehend aus „Gib, Nimm, Liebe und Sit&Think“.
David hat uns mit der positiven Energie die er aus all seinen negativen Erlebnissen schöpfen konnte zutiefst berührt. Es hat uns wieder vor Augen geführt, dass man sich niemals aufgeben darf. Der Glaube an die Kraft der Liebe ist das was uns verbindet.

Danke David.

Master: Nathan Hall

David Rausch:


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Picked Sound: Esteble – When We Dip Radio #129 [30.9.19]

Recorded live from KaterBlau (Berlin) at the @LautUndLuise Showcase on Sep 6 2019

Follow: @esteble
FB: https://ift.tt/2qqwGWG
INSTA: https://ift.tt/2yFIUiZ
BAND: https://ift.tt/2OhOpgG
SPOT: https://ift.tt/2o9ALkQ

Subscribe for free via iTunes to listen back to all new episodes: https://ift.tt/2FMQE6E

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Picked Sound: Ayahuasca | Don Son

This week Basel’s Don Son takes you on a mind-opening journey with his spectacular cup of Ayahuasca!

Rooted in Bucharest, Romania, raised in Germany and now based in Basel, Don Son has grown under a massive musical influence since he was born.

His first appearance in the electronic scene was 2014 together with his friend Ioanis, under the alias Ioanis & Don Son. Today their duo project is named Ωpαl. Deepness, spheric atmospheres and melodic music since then is Don Son’s signature style.

Don Son’s productions have been released on imprints such as Magician on Duty, Submarine Vibes, Rebellion der Träumer as well as on his own imprint Wildfang Music.

Wildfang Music is co-managed with, guess who, Ioanis! In 2016 Don Son launched Mehrvondenteilen, a channel hosting podcasts, premieres and free downloads of likeminded artists.

Don Son’s a trough-and-through storyteller: he mesmerizes with magic and spheres, expressed through his music. And as a laboratory professional he know exactly how to mix a magic potio…! So, get comfy and enjoy this fantastic and deep journey with his Ayhuasca!

The bartenders

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Don Son


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Picked Sound: Ayahuasca | Don Son

This week Basel’s Don Son takes you on a mind-opening journey with his spectacular cup of Ayahuasca!

Rooted in Bucharest, Romania, raised in Germany and now based in Basel, Don Son has grown under a massive musical influence since he was born.

His first appearance in the electronic scene was 2014 together with his friend Ioanis, under the alias Ioanis & Don Son. Today their duo project is named Ωpαl. Deepness, spheric atmospheres and melodic music since then is Don Son’s signature style.

Don Son’s productions have been released on imprints such as Magician on Duty, Submarine Vibes, Rebellion der Träumer as well as on his own imprint Wildfang Music.

Wildfang Music is co-managed with, guess who, Ioanis! In 2016 Don Son launched Mehrvondenteilen, a channel hosting podcasts, premieres and free downloads of likeminded artists.

Don Son’s a trough-and-through storyteller: he mesmerizes with magic and spheres, expressed through his music. And as a laboratory professional he know exactly how to mix a magic potio…! So, get comfy and enjoy this fantastic and deep journey with his Ayhuasca!

The bartenders

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Don Son


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