Ace of Base – all that she wants (Steve Bonde Remix)

The original is obviously one of my favorite childhood tracks. I remember me doing Mini Play Back Show with this song during a class trip when I was at the age of 8 or 9 and still this memory and the mood of the song makes me always happy.
I did this remix quite some time ago – and found it should be shared with you!

💜 Steve

Free Download on bandcamp:

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FREE DL: Roxy Music – Dance Away (Ket’Mos Remix)

As a producer based in France, initially Beatmaker/drummer in a live hip-hop band in the South-West of France, Ket’Mos now focuses on electronic music as soon as he arrives in the capital. Influenced by jazz and groove since his childhood, he performs in Paris with his project Mosleo, which often classifies him between micro-house trancy & electro-break. With his recent alias Ket’Mos, he changes his hat with a new Indie-Dance/ Dark-Disco project. This remix pays tribute to Bryan Ferry, the emblematic figure of the English band Roxy Music, who composed the track Dance Away.

IG :
SC : @mosleomusic

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DAS FEST@katerblau Kiosk

In the kiosk at kater blau, it’s always the easiest way to remember Bar 25. I’m very grateful to have played an anniversary set at this venue. I’ve been there since the beginning of this journey, Bar 25, kater holzig, kater blau – exciting… the mix is rather atypical for me at the moment. But if you’re playing at kiosk, you shouldn’t knock around, you should groove away..

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#150: Late Night Jockel Session – Montagssorbet mit Laut & Luise

Für die Ewigwachgebliebenen zum Feierabendbier, für die Frühaufsteher als Seelenfutter zum Wochenbeginn: Montagssorbet mit Laut & Luise. Alles erlaubt, was gut tut und Gedanken kreisen lässt, nur der Name ist Programm: cremig, fluffig und ganz schön weich.

(Intro: @ciaoella | Foto: Julia Moebus | Sorbet: @latenightjockelsession)

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