Hier frisch aufgewärmt unser fettes Frühstück vom Montag morgen an der berühmt berüchtigten Pfanne Eichel. Guten Appetit!
Danke an die @bachstelzen für die Einladung und @brigadeberlin fürs schnelle mastern ❤️
Here, freshly warmed up, is our fat breakfast from Monday morning at the infamous Pfanne Eichel. Bon appetit!
Thanks to @bachstelzen for the invitation and @brigadeberlin for the quick mastering ❤️
Picked Sound: Caleesi & Sarah Kreis @ Fusion Festival 2019 | Bachstelzen Panne Eichel
@caleesi & @sarahkreis
Thank you Fusion and Bachstelzen – this was an insane Sunday morning!
We were so lucky to have the best crowd we could have asked for despite 38°C and can’t put in words how much fun we had playing this set.
Thanks to all you lovely people for dancing and smiling and for the incredible vibe!
And thanks to @bachstelzen for having us – it was a huge honor!
Here’s our souvenir from this magical Sunday morning at Fusion. 🙂
Love, C & S