“How could I love again?
How could I ever ask for more?
And to the road ahead
Into a life I can’t ignore
(Lose her) how could I love again?
(Move her) how could I love this path for sure?
(Lose her) with no more time to spare
(Move her) I know the answer more and moreAs long as I can
Long as I can
Spend some time alone
As long as I can
Long as I can
Be the man I amOh, life is strange
Spend some time alone.
We’ve all been spending a lot of time alone these days haven’t we? Having to be apart from our friends and even families, for so long. This alone time has been good for some, but each week it seems like the world takes a new and dark turn. I wrote this edit right when this whole quarantine hit. I thought to myself, this will be the perfect tune for everyone needing a bit of uplifting energy… and to add a bit of joy to everyone’s solitary confinement. Yet, each week I thought to release it, there would be something in the world that would pop up, and each week it never felt like the right time….
One after another, from covid19 to police brutalities, peaceful protests ending in violence, burning cities, tear gassing citizens, so much death and destruction live streamed for the world, and we are all glued to it. This snowball seems to keep on going….and this road ahead doesn’t seem bright now…..But I have hope.
I spent a lot of time dancing to this edit alone in my basement. and it made me smile. I hope it brings a little smile to your face, and you find yourself dancing alone, maybe in your basement, your kitchen, on a jog, with your dog. Let me know if you do! Thanks for listening, and thanks to the Heimlich hooligans for letting me release it with them. I hope we can all dance together very soon.
<3 Anthony
(ps: the song is pitched down a bit here on SC to avoid takedown, cross your fingers it stays!
I've also included links to donate to good causes here, ranging from covid19 to the victims of police brutality & protesters )