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Heimlich Podcast #73 by El Búho (LIVE)
Artwork: https://ift.tt/AXaQiry
Vorsommerliche Frische breitet sich aus und mit viel Sonne im Sound lässt sich ein verträumtes grinsen nicht vermeiden. Leise wie eine Eule schleichen sich die wunderbarsten Soundschnipsel ein und verbreiten eine wundersame Wohlfühlstimmung. Es fühlt sich warm und bekannt an. Wir sagen danke an die Eule El Búho und segeln weiter Richtung Sonnenuntergang.
Gut Ding braucht ja bekanntlich Weile. Das lange Warten hat sich aber so was von gelohnt!
Wie dieser Mix entstanden ist und was die Idee dahinter war, könnt ihr weiter unten gerne selbst nachlesen. Derweil mal viel Vergnügen beim Hören 🙂
HML: Can you tell us what the idea was behind this mix?
EB: This mix has been a whole process haha. When the Heimlich crew reached out over a year ago I felt I wanted to do something different. It kind of bores me to make just mixes of music I like and I always like to have a bit of a challenge. I realised at the time that I have grown this amazing collection of remix stems from a bunch of talented artists who asked me to make a remix and so I thought, wouldn’t it be fun to make a mixtape only using these stems – kind of like using them as a sample bank and create an hour of original music from them.
HML: You put a lot of effort into this mix, how was your approach of working on this one?
EB: I’d called it a recycled music mix. You can maybe recognise little snippets from like Chancha Via Circuito or the vocals like from Eat My Butterfly are a bit more obvious but at the same time they are completely new songs. All of the music from this mixtape has never been released and only exists in this mix. It is also all at 90 BPM which was another fun challenge pitching down all these stems from other BPMs and keys to take them to a whole new context. The only issue was I underestimated just how long it would take to make a one hour mix of completely original music and tracks and I ended up dipping in when the inspiration struck and adding a new movement or song. By the end the project was over 350 channels and my Ableton was totally fed up with me opening it and making even small changes at the end was a total headache haha. So a big thank you to Martin and the Heimlich family for their endless patience and letting me indulge in this odd way of making a mix 😛
HML: After working for so long on this mix, how would you describe the work afterwards?
EB: It’s funny to listen back. I have no idea what musically it was going to sound like and I still don’t really know how to categorise it but I suppose that is what creativity is about, just feeling it, going with the flow and seeing what happens. I would also like to make a big shout out to all the artists that contributed to this mixtape without realising it 😉 Hard to make a tracklist but I can definitely share a picture of my folder of remix stems to give you an idea oh and of my Ableton project (if I can open it hahaha).
Batu Ozer – Scutarii / Live Set
Picked Sound: Pyroman&Löffler – Live Set @ Räuberhöhle Fusion 2019
This ist the recording of our magical live set at the Räuberhöhle on the Fusion Festival 2019
Thanks a lot for such a warm and welcoming athmosphere at our very first festival premier!
We’ll be back! Peace and Love!
Picked Sound: LYKTUM – Live Set At Fusion Festival 2019
Big thanks & deepest gratitude to our teams for dedication and love. Respect to all the lovely people involved in these moments. It was a dream fulfillment and I truly hope to see you again.
Follow Lyktum :
Sea Live At Blue Beach, Romania 09.07.2016
For more info, please visit:
Hi, here is the recording of my Saturday afternoon set. The beach, the waves, the sea breeze, the people, the sunset. Nothing but love and pure energy. There’s no place where I feel more in my element than at the seaside. It’s the perfect surrounding where I let my creativity run free. Samples slicing, vocal edits, groovy and housey vibes. This set reflects a lot of me.
Hope you all enjoy this emotional journey <3