#108: Heimlich Knüller – Montagssorbet mit Laut & Luise

Für die Ewigwachgebliebenen zum Feierabendbier, für die Frühaufsteher als Seelenfutter zum Wochenbeginn: Montagssorbet mit Laut & Luise. Alles erlaubt, was gut tut und Gedanken kreisen lässt, nur der Name ist Programm: cremig, fluffig und ganz schön weich.

War reserviert für ihn, ist er ja nicht selbst. Heißt ja auch heimlich, muss aber nicht so sein. Am Ende zählen Taten, nicht was wir taten sondern er, oder sie. Mit Felix im Gepäck. Von daher ziemlich guten, also Montag. Soll heißen: Dog day all over. Ziemlich offensichtlich und war uns vorher klar: Knüller. Also in Gänze: Hallo @Heimlich-Muller

(Intro: @Claus-Fussek feat. Greg | Foto: Julia Moebus)

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Bambi Rambo [at] Garbicz – “Per Anhalter Garbicz 2020” [ Live – Special ]

© artwork by Jim aka Bock&Fuchs ➲ contact ✉ info@bockundfuchs.com

Bambi Rambo presents Per Anhalter Garbicz 2020 [ Live – Special ]

The traditional progression from club warm-up to international talent is a rite of passage for most DJs. But in Chloe’s instance – the opposite is true. She first came to prominence on the global burner festival circuit under her Bambi Rambio alias, making her debut at South Africa’s ‘AfrikaBurn’ in 2017 before going on to perform at Nevada’s ‘Burning Man’ a year later.

She became a staple artist of London’s Burning Man community soon after. Decompression parties and grassroots fundraisers were where she earned her stripes, before honing her craft across the capital’s club circuit in late 2019 at venues such as Mick’s Garage, The Steelyard and many more besides.

These experiences helped mould Bambi’s sound into what it is today. It feels at home in all environments: whether that be an urban warehouse or the ethereal playa of Burning Man. Regardless of the setting, her ethos behind the decks remains the same: to take those listening on a musical journey and deliver a deeply pleasurable experience in the process.

• What are your musical influences?
I Take influence from a variety of things, I love to dig in all directions and collect old songs as well as new ones and to merge genres that would not necessarily belong together and always keep it on the uplifting and energizing side of things. I am mainly into house and deep house these days but had times where I was more into the techno and progressive side of the spectrum. I like to vary and reinvent my sound pallet over time 🙂

What is your musical background?
My upbringing was steeped in musical heritage. I trained as a classical flutist from an early age, opting to drop the instrument for electronic music in my twenties. Such a transition was kind of ingrained in my family heritage – my parents had been creating mixtapes since my childhood, making tracklists from their vinyl collection and then burning them onto CD for home-listening. It has always raised my curiosity and interest in how you really create a whole soundscape from a bunch of tracks 🙂

• What makes good “afterhour”?
A good after hours is all about the enveloppoing and evolving atmosphere. You had already a wild and uplifting party but you are not yet ready to call it a night so you go to an after hour party. And you want to prolong the goodness of the night and for this you need a fun and happy crew and a warm and almost hugging music at first. Then when the sun rises you can go to the meditative type of music and sort of dreamy floaty vibes – like time gets suspended and all. Then slowly as the sun rays get brighter and warmer, you can increase the energy and add more groove and vocals and bring in the audience to dance more and more and basically wake up again for another day of dancing 🙂

• Do you have any thoughts you would like to share about your set?
Starting off on a reinterpretation of a famous French poem “les fleur du mal” this mix then drives on to all dimensions of the holy house music galaxy… 🌌 With accents of deep and cosmic, 80s synths and piano riffs, afro and oriental, the DJ set was played in the famous Polish woods in the summer by Bambi Rambo 🌳🦌. Enjoy the listening journey, wherever you are in the world right now.
Bon Voyage mes amis. 🚀💖

✘ Bambi Rambo
Soundcloud – soundcloud.com/bambi-rambo
insta – https://ift.tt/2KwLn54

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Foxall & Deaf Can Dance – Zorba The Greek (“Thank You” Edit)

When we played this track – a joint venture between us and my brothers from another mother @foxallmusic – for the first time at Garbicz Festival last year we had no idea how You, the audience, would react…

After some polishing, a couple of months later we’re sharing it with You all beautiful people – thank You for Your love. ❤️

Full mix from Garbicz Festival: https://ift.tt/2HXlCtF

Download for free on The Artist Union

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Picked Sound: Sportbrigade Sparwasser – Garbicz Festival 2019

Welcome Sportbrigade Sparwasse
Thank you for dancing with us!
We are well aware of the fact, that as DJs we play other peoples´(as well as our own) music. This means we want to ensure the musicians get the credit and respect they deserve for their work. Whenever reasonably possible (communication get quite intense for us at times) we´ll be happy to supply track IDs, although sometimes it may take a little while. Also we´re happy about reposts if you like what we´re doing.
We value comments whatever they are! Feel free to contact us if You have a comment or something to say. Email to sportbrigade@gmx.de or contact us through Soundcloud or Facebook. Same goes for Hypnorex and Abseits Live projects (our solo beings, so to speak), both of which have their own Soundcloud pages. Keep it rolling at all times!

Respect, Sportbrigade Sparwasser

“Der große Sport fängt da an, wo er längst aufgehört hat, gesund zu sein.” (B.Brecht)

Garbicz 2019

Download for free on The Artist Union

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