Welcome Sportbrigade Sparwasse
Thank you for dancing with us!
We are well aware of the fact, that as DJs we play other peoples´(as well as our own) music. This means we want to ensure the musicians get the credit and respect they deserve for their work. Whenever reasonably possible (communication get quite intense for us at times) we´ll be happy to supply track IDs, although sometimes it may take a little while. Also we´re happy about reposts if you like what we´re doing.
We value comments whatever they are! Feel free to contact us if You have a comment or something to say. Email to sportbrigade@gmx.de or contact us through Soundcloud or Facebook. Same goes for Hypnorex and Abseits Live projects (our solo beings, so to speak), both of which have their own Soundcloud pages. Keep it rolling at all times!
Respect, Sportbrigade Sparwasser
“Der große Sport fängt da an, wo er längst aufgehört hat, gesund zu sein.” (B.Brecht)
Garbicz 2019
Download for free on The Artist Union